Chewbecca mask
Category : Motivational Speaker
The truth is…laughter and joy are contagious!
I absolutely love the woman that puts on the Chewbecca mask and just laughs and laughs. How can you not laugh with her and at her mask?
Humor heals! In a world where it’s stressful just driving your car one block down the street, or standing in a line at the local fast food restaurant; we need light hearted laughter. Laughing reduces stress, decreases blood pressure and makes life worth living. That last fact, I made up! Furthermore, who does not like to laugh? Seriously, get a good ole’ laugh in today!
Every speaking presentation I do includes humor. Clean, rated PG humor. Non offensive, good fun humor. The kind of humor my audiences get, understand and want more of. Humor heals…and so does chocolate 😉