The HARDEST book I have ever wrote!

The HARDEST book I have ever wrote!


If you ever want to be tested to forgive…just say you’re going to write a book about forgiveness!

As challenging as this book is to write, I really hope someone finds freedom from it!

If not you, ME!

Forgiveness is an inside job.

Most people I have met, have never forgiven themselves.

They just keep packing those guilt trip bags over and over again.


What is the pay off?

Do you really want to be miserable forever?

It’s time to set yourself free!

YES, today!

Forgive yourself.

You are not perfect, we all know that.

Have you realized it yet?

Accept yourself for you and forgive your mistakes.

The #1 reason I see people relapse with drugs and alcohol…

Unforgiveness gives them the perfect excuse to manifest a resentment and let it become cancer in the soul!

Forgive yourself.

Start now….go ahead…what are you waiting for?